Thursday, August 4, 2016

The way of the Anabaptists

Below are the three core Anabaptists beliefs. Seventh-Day Anabaptists adhere to these principles of brethren who were our forerunners in the faith.

1. Believer's Baptism

Anabaptists teach a person must first believe the gospel before accepting baptism. This based on the biblical teachings of Jesus Christ which placed believing ahead of baptism. For this reason, they do not baptize infants.

2. Non Violence

Anabaptists do not believe in obtaining or protecting rights through use of force. They are committed to nonviolence per teachings of Christ in the Sermon on the Mount in the New Testament to turn the other cheek.

3. Community of Goods

Anabaptists believe all property should be shared in common with fellow believers in Christ. This is in accordance with Christ's command to rich young ruler to give up all of his possessions and follow him.

4. A few key differences exist between Anabaptists and much of Christendom in their core doctrines. One major difference is the emphasis on salvation by Protestants versus an emphasis on discipleship by Anabaptists.

Much of Christendom doesn't believe that a person can fall from grace after accepting Jesus Christ as their savior. For example, the Southern Baptist Convention states that "Those whom God has accepted in Christ, and sanctified by His Spirit will never fall away from the state of grace, but shall persevere to the end."

Anabaptists, on the other hand, believe that mere faith alone is not enough. True believers in Christ must show their faith through living what the Bible teaches. As Christians of the Seventh Day Anabaptist faith, we declare that "The Bible's position is that mere faith in Christ's sacrifice is not enough. The Bible teaches clearly that saving faith produces — and needs— good works."

As indirect spiritual descendants of the Anabaptists, the Seventh-day Anabaptists strive to exhibit many of the same ideals as their spiritual forefathers. As time went on, the various groups of Anabaptists became like any other Protestant denomination and strayed away from the apostolic model of Christianity. Heirarchal centralized leadership, promotion of the buildings and institution as the "church", conformity to the world's principles and union with the State via the 501 C 3 tax exempt non profit Corporation status. Also, forming an image of the beast to persecute brethen by participating in the ecumenical movement headed by the Vatican.

Much of the modern day Anabaptists churches no longer have the spirit of their Pioneers and now have blended in of the Protestants.

We as Seventh Day Anabaptists are returning to 1500's Anabaptist principles. We are not Protestants but rather Restorationists. Just as our spiritual predecessors in the Anabaptist movement, we desire new testament apostolic Christianity. We consider the Apostles, the Waldenesians, the Anabaptists  as our spiritual heritage.

A true Christian is willing to bear the burden of his fellow brother and sister in Christ. Doing this at times will require us to deny ourselves and pick up our cross. A true Christian will share his material blessings with his brethren and give to those who have need, first within the community of faith and then with those in need outside the Christian Congregation.

A true Christian will be willing to give shelter to those within the community of faith who are in need of housing. Of course, this would be a brother or sister that the Christian knows to be a faithful brother or sister.

A true Christian does not participate in the political process either by voting for candidates nor entangling themselves in the political world in general. Anabaptists know that they are sojourners and pilgrims in this world and that their citizenship is in heaven.

A true Christian doesn't not pick up the sword of civil power, whether it be state or federal. We also do not join the military and participate in it's wars. We do not take our brothers and sisters to court. That brings a reproach on Jehovah. We practice non violence and seek non violent solutions. We do believe that we can use reasonable self defense to protect our family but not our property nor our material goods. Rather, we take the loss and joyfully accept the plundering of our goods.

A true Christian gives without expecting anything back. In the event we ever lend money in a business venture to an unbeliever, provided it is a venture that does not bring reproach to Jehovah, we do not charge usury (interest), if the borrowee cannot pay back, we forgive all debts. We don't sue them or take them to court but rather we show the example of Christ who canceled our debts at the cross.

A true Christian keeps themselves unspotted from the world. This relates to entertainment, politics and cultural conformity in any way.

A true Christian is willing to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ anywhere and everywhere at anytime. This could be personal evangelism, door knocking, street witnessing and open air preaching.

A true Christian isn't ashamed of his faith in Jesus Christ and what the bible teaches. He believes in the true literal Sonship of Jesus Christ.

A true Christian doesn't seek the riches of this world but rather the treasures that are in heaven. He/She is willing to preach the gospel free of charge. A true Christian seeks a simple and humble life. He/She doesn't seek position in this life but rather seeks the crown reserved for overcomers who inherit heavenly Zion.

A true Christian realizes his own need for Christ and thereby is gentle when correcting a brother or sister who falls into temptation. He/She doesn't put heavy burdens and yokes on others in regards to rules and regulations, but lets the brethren work out their own salvation in fear and trembling when it comes to the less weightier matters.

A true Christian esteems others higher than himself/herself. He/She is willing to go the extra mile to help out others.

A true Christian doesn't judge others unrighteously either by outward appearance or assuming the worst of someone else's intentions. He/She will practice mercy, love, patience, kindness and all attributes associated with the fruit of the spirit. A true Christian seeks to take the plank out of His/Her own eye before taking it out of the eyes of others.

A true Christian isn't a fashion policeman or woman but rather if needed will give gentle counsel on modesty. A true Christian isn't nitpicky on these things and he/she is more concerned with the inward part of a man/woman.

Of course we all will fall short of these principles at times but we strive for perfection. Our High Preist Christ Jesus mediates for us when we fall short of exhibiting his character. Thank Jehovah for such a merciful High Preist.

This what we as Seventh Day Anabaptists believe.

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